Tax Compliance

How does the Mia Bazo Tax Compliance tool track my days in jurisdiction?

Mia Bazo uses all your available data to track days in jurisdiction. Depending on how many Mia Bazo services you’ve activated, and whether you’re using the phone apps, these can include

  • your itinerary,
  • the location of your phone,
  • the location of expenses you enter and
  • your security check-in confirmations.

All Mia Bazo services are opt-in. You do not need to give Mia Bazo permission to track the location of your phone for the tax service to work.

For example, if you’re using the Tax Compliance and Travel phone apps, Mia Bazo can track your days in jurisdiction from the location of your phone or from your itinerary, or both.

You’ll get the best possible tax data if you use Tax Compliance, Travel Tracking and Expense Management.

Once you begin any trip segment that’s in your itinerary, the Tax Compliance service begins tracking your days in jurisdiction.

If we’re not tracking your phone, it is best to log all your trip segments into Travel Tracking, to make certain your record accurately reflects your tax exposure.

For example,

  • if you fly to France and then rent a car and drive to Belgium,
  • and if the only segment you entered into your itinerary was “London-Paris-London”,
  • the Tax Compliance service will think you’ve spent all that time in France.

If instead, you enter your trip segments as “London-Paris (air)”, then “Paris-Brussels (car)”, then “Brussels-Paris (car)” and so on, you will have an accurate record.

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